First, a reminder that you are always welcome to attend our regular monthly meetings, held in Endecott House on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7.30pm.
If you would like to receive a regular copy of the newsletter by email please contact Ruth the clerk with your email address
News since issue 1
The car park at Bellacouchreally is nearly open (and might even be open by the time this newsletter is ready). Watch out for announcements on the website, social media, and posters. Initially it will be free, but we will be installing a pay and display machine so please watch out for this and don’t get caught out with a parking ticket. We also hope to install some Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points, but this will take a bit longer.
We have a Facebook page – Chagford Parish Council. We will post news and updates here – do follow us if you are a Facebook user.
We want a logo for Chagford Parish Council and are having a competition to choose a design. If you have an idea please email a copy to the clerk . Closing date 31st
March 2024
On February 3rd, Kate Royston from Tamar Energy Community (TEC) came to a coffee morning at Endecott House. She shared expert advice with people wanting to make improvements to the insulation and/or heating in their homes. She has arranged some home visits for people who wanted more information and an energy assessment of their homes. She can also give advice about grants to help with home insulation.
TEC will be offering free training to people who might be interested in becoming community energy advisers. Doing this training would enable you to advise people how to make their homes more energy efficient and lower their energy bills. If you would be interested in this training then get in touch with Kate and her colleagues at Tamar Energy Community on 0800 233 5414 or email
A new housing development is proposed to build about 40 new homes in Lamb Park. Some of you came to a presentation by the architects in Endecott House on February 6th. Their next step is to seek outline planning permission from Dartmoor National Park. We do not yet have any further details so keep your eyes open for more news.
Chagford tree nursery has a very large collection of young trees – all locally grown from seed from local native trees. These are available free to anyone who wants to plant trees in their garden or on any land they own. If you would like one or some, please contact Claire Ash Wheeler
Proper Job held a bird nest box making workshop on February 14th. This was supported by grants from the Parish Council and also South West Water. It was enormous fun and 25 beautiful nest boxes were made.
Dates for your diary
The Parish Council Annual Assembly will be held in Endecott House on April 18th at 7.30 pm. Please put this date in your diary. There will be a variety of presentations and updates.
D-day celebrations
Chagford will be joining the national celebrations for the 80th anniversary of D-day on June 6th. Put the date in your diary. A beacon will be lit on the top of Meldon at 9.15pm and there will be other activities as well. Watch out for more detail.
Other Items
Update on Grants available for Chagford Parishioners
The second round of grants for community projects from Chagford Community Trust will be available soon. Closing date for applications is 30th March 2024. See their website for further details
Feedback please
Please feel free to give us feedback on our newsletter and let us know what else you would like us to tell you about.