The Chagford Parish Community Emergency Plan has been prepared in order to assist the residents to cope in the event of an emergency or other unforeseen situation which disrupts the normal activities of the parish. In most situations the Emergency Services would be in attendance very quickly and thus the involvement of locals would be minimal. However a supporting role may be required in certain circumstances e.g. tea and sympathy, temporary shelter and transportation.
In the event of severe weather conditions or the lack of availability of the Emergency Services, the community will be called on to deal with the situation to the best of their ability. To this end a list of services and facilities available within the Parish are contained within this file, plus a list of useful contacts outside the Parish.
Unforeseen incidents, in the first instant, should be dealt with by whoever is available and further assistance sought as necessary - the Parish Clerk and Councillors being a useful source of local information.
A copy will be delivered to all households in the parish.